Food, food, everywhere! Not a morsel I want to eat!
Do you ever have those days?
I mean, you are hungry, but you really do not know what you want!
I have plenty of food in the house, but I do not feel like making something just for me and none of it appeals to me!
A new restaurant opened in downtown Syracuse: Dolce Vita - Gabriel and I may have to go check it out today!
What I really want is dim sum from Yank Sing.


Dim Sum breakfast!
Alas, Yank Sing, lovely restaurant, is located in San Francisco and they DO NOT deliver to New York! The nerve!!!
I even called one day and asked them to fed-ex dim sum to me, but they would not do it!
Don't know what Dim Sum is? Oh - for shame! Check out wikipedia for an explanation!


Happy Eating!

Oh I love dim sum!!!
Oh I love wontons.....they are my fave!!!
I'm officially hungry now! :)
MMMM, seriously, just looking at your name makes me hungry now.
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