I hope everyone had a fabulous week!
Personally - mine was long and tiring!
In honor of Foodie Friday I want to show you some of the most fabulous foods that I have eaten.
Because I love food so much and I want to share this love I am having a giveaway!
Giveaway Information, Rules & Whatnot:
Time Period: Starts: Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 12:01 AM EST and Ends: Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 12:00 PM EST.
Requirements: Visit the sites for the various foods I have talked about, then come back here and comment on which one you like best and why. I also want to know your favorite food of all time!
Choosing the winner: A winner will be chosen using the random number generator. I will assign everyone a number in the order the comments are posted. You will also get a second entry if you follow my blog.
The Winner: The winners name will be posted on Saturday, June 20, 2009 and they will have 48 hours to comment and verify their post.
Prize: It is a surprise! (you will not be disappointed!)
Good Luck!!!

Zingerman's: Cherry Chocolate Bread
"The Zingerman's Bakehouse makes a chocolate cherry bread that can be used as the base of the best French toast you've ever had in your life."
-Ed Levine, Serious Eats
Let me tell you, Ed is so right!! French toast made from this bread is AMAZING!! Heck, tearing off a piece and shoving it in your mouth is AMAZING!!

Blond Giraffe: Key Lime Pie on a Stick
Do you like key lime pie? Well these are to die for!!! Slices of their key lime pie is put on a stick and frozen!! My husband and I have made it a goal to try key lime pie everywhere we travel and so far this is the winner!

Stonewall Kitchen: Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix
I always have two canisters of this in my pantry, it is a staple. This mix really makes the best pancakes and waffles. The taste is so beautiful - putting syrup on these pancakes is a shame!

Cowgirl Creamery: Cowgirl Cheese Collection
I am a fan of organic products, so when I find one I like - I stick with it! The cheese made by cowgirl creamery is not only organic, but simply delicious!
Enjoy & Good Luck!!

ok so i visited the sites & well i just like cheese & we're talking like it as in it's not bad but can live with out we're talking i can eat a whole thing of cheese in one sitting like cheese. As in i will buy the stinkyest cheese i can find at a french super market, leave it in the fridge a week longer & wait until it's at the point where you cut into it & it just melts. Oh & don't get me started on cheddar ... but not the american kind, a good english cheddar. mmmmmmmmm cheese!!
As tempting as that awesome cheese is, I'll have to go with the pies being my favourite - love key lime pie!
although I really would like to try the toasted coconut pancake mix!
My favourite food of all time... my mom's mac'n'cheese (which is now also MY mac'n'cheese) - I have a recipe posted on my blog, it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I can eat a whole 9x13" pan in a day - breakfast, lunch, snack and supper (and midnight snack).
now i'm going to have to make some for supper tonight.
I've had the cowgirl creamery cheese before! My friend in D.C. sent it to me as a thank you after she visited. It was DELICIOUS! I'm a freak about organic food as well, so I hear you! I really want to try that pancake/waffle mix! My favorite food of all time has to be enchiladas!!!!
I'm gonna have to go with the key lime pie on a stick! As many times as we've been down to Key West, I haven't tried the pie on a stick yet. AND dipped in chocolate!!! WOWY!
I would for sure go with the cheese. I love yummy, stinky and creamy cheeses and I could eat them all by themselves. I actually did that once - I only had a few bucks on me so during my lunch break I bought a hunk of blue cheese from the cheese counter and nibbled on it. Personally, I like savory rather than sweet foods so cheese would be for sure my pick.
My favorite food of all time? Chicken Cilica - it's dark meat chicken that's been shreaded, has cinnamon, tumeric, all spice and a few other spices, rolled in buttery phylo dough and baked. The top is sprinkled with dash of cinnamon and powdered sugar
I love cheese so much, especially cheese made from organic milk - the taste is so different from cheese made with conventional milk.
My favorite food of all time? Grapes. Delicious, fresh grapes.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I love the Farmhouse pancake and waffle mix from Stonewall Kitchen...when I first had my son and began nursing I took this herb called Fenugreek. It made my body odor smell like maple syrup. Not body odor and maple syrup, just maple syrup. It was so nice that I didn't use deodorant and no one cared! It totally got me on this pancake kick. Strange but true...
My favorite food...hmmm, how to choose just one? I'll go with an ethnicity- Mexican!
I can't choose 1, the key lime pies and the pancakes are my weaknesses. :) toasted coconut...banana...chocolate chip pancakes! i'm sold!
one of my favorite foods? the really, really dense whole grain seed rolls you can find over here - with some butter and raspberry preserves.
They all sound great,something for everybody!!
I enjoyed checking out Cowgirl Creamery's website. I like that they have been trusted since 1977 they started producing Organic Cheese in Point Reyes Station,California,promoting artisan cheesemakers from US and Europe.
I signed up for their mailing list!!
I forgot to say how much i love BROCCOLI and All green veggies!! (Honestly:))
Well, I have to say, I have had cowgirl creamery cheeses before (The Whole Foods in Union Square in Manhattan carries their stuff) and it is DELICIOUS. So I would totally buy it again. However, I will be craving that Key Lime Pie on a stick until I break down and order some. YUM!
As for my favorite food, I would have to say fresh white cherries. I have no self control when they are in season.
The chocolate cherry bread and the pancake mix sound delicious but I'm going to have to go with the cheese! Oh, yeah, the cheese! I love cheese of all kinds and the cowgirl creamery cheeses look so good.
I would have to say that I love the Zingerman'd Chocolate Cherry Bread the best - I miss really fresh amazing bread from the bakeries in France and Germany and in the US we just don't have such nice bread. My favorite food of all time is gelato!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Key. Lime. Pie. ON A STICK! It's like God made my dream into reality LOL!
My favourite food of all time... I'd have to say a good old burger. Juicy, rare, covered in condiments, on a beautiful fresh bun. Heaven.
Blond Giraffe: Key Lime Pie on a Stick!!!
My mom makes a Key Lime pie every year for my bday instead of cake!
My fave food of all time is BACON!!
Oh, I am sorry for all the other food sites, but when I saw there were artisan cheeses I knew everything else would be a distant second! Oh, I want to try that Red Hawk Cowgirl Cream Cheese!
My favorite food of all time..? I hate to lie, and I just can't choose ONE favorite...but man, I do love cheese enchiladas with salsa roja, smothered under even more cheese, sprinkled with crisp lettuce, a little dollop of sour cream...ooh, now I'm hungry!
Oh, and I'm following! A foodie after my own heart, you seem to be!:D
i enjoyed the Blonde Giraffe site! Key Lime Pie on a stick sounds so yummy...plus I also think I'd love their coconut butter cookies!
My all time favourite food? Salad! Spinach slaad with looooooooooots of black olives, feta cheese, red onions and raspberry vinaigrette. Mmmmmmmmmm.
May Canadians enter? The cheese looks the best to me, because I love artisan cheeses. My favourite food of all time, though, is potatoes. I could eat them every day and never get tired of them.
Ohhh it's so hard to pick a fave! I'd go with the Cherry Chocolate Bread. It combines 3 things I love so it must be fabulous!
My fave food? Has to be potatoes. I love them in every way, shape and form!
I'm a new follower!
do you know whats better than key lime pie? key lime pie on a stick!!! that is so awesome!! mmm so yummy!
I'm gonna have to go with the Farmhouse Pancake and Waffle Mix from Stonewall Kitchen, just because I looove pancakes & waffles so much! All the different mixes look delicious, especially the Toasted Coconut one. Yum!
And my favorite food is any type of pasta. Lasagna, tortellini, spaghetti, etc. I love it all! :)
I'm also following your blog :)
I love Key Lime pie, so I was trying to hold back on ordering everything from the Blond Giraffe online store. But, this was a hard call since I could live off of bread and cheese!
All I have to say is key lime pie! Who doesn't love it?!
I think my favorite food of all time is Mac and Cheese. It's a comfort thing :)
All of the sites were fun to visit. I am now salivating from looking at them. At Zingermann's I wasn't intrigued by the cherry chocolate bread, but all of the cheeses and speciality oils looked wonderful. The Key Lime Pie on a stick looked fun. I wasn't into the pancake mix, but the gorgonzola stuffed sirloin wrapped in bacon appetizers look amazing. My pick out of all the sites is the Cowgirl Creamery's Red Hawk cheese. It would be great since my all time favorite food is grilled cheese sandwich!
mmm key lime pie for me!! yum!!!
ericaloves @hotmail.com
i really liked the Cowgirl Creamery site. mmmmmmmmmmm cheese.
my fave food...hmm...i have to go with SUSHI!!! i looooooooooooove sushi too too too toooooo much i could eat it everyday!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
I have presented you with a blog award!
See it here http://appleblossomfl.blogspot.com/2009/06/clap-for-me.html
Oh wow... Chocolate cherry bread!! MMM!!
By the way... Your blog is now the recipient of the "One Lovely Blog Award".
Here is what you should do in the acceptance of the award:
1. Accept the award.
2. Post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog/etsy shop link.
3. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered.
Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award
The Zingerman's bread is my favorite - I was lucky enough to visit there this spring, and it really was amazing!
My fav food of all time is crab legs and coca-cola cake. My favorite item is Zingerman's is the Pumpernickel Bread. I think I'd also like the key lime cookies from Blond Giraffe.
My favorite food is breakfast so I have to go with the waffle and pancake mix.
My favorite sweet is caramel. I look at it as the bacon of the desert world. Put on some caramel and you aren't going to be disappointed.
I like the waffles and pancake mix. My dad thinks he's a chef and tries to make his own (using the recipe that a local restaurant owning friend gave him). I have to put my all into not gagging when I eat them (he loves them though, but he's old and doesn't have tastebuds). They are so salty and he uses too much buttermilk. This mix would fix that.
Anyways! My favorite food of all time ... I like orange sorbet with freshly picked mint. OMG.
Hello Nicole,
key lime pies and fresh fruit tart are my weaknesses..just love it!
My favorite food is: Indian food..love the Sagg Paneer and yes,you must have that with the bread NAAN..i think thats what we are having tonight:)
I like the cherry chocolate bread the best, and just thinking about using it for french toast makes my mouth water.
My all time favorite food is Italian. If I had to narrow it down it would be pasta with tomato sauce and lots of grated cheese.
Hello, My favourite recipe was for the cherry chocolate bread Im drooling at the thought of the bread with a scoop of vanilla icecream.My favourite food is tofu I use it almost everyday because im a vegetarian it's very versatile.I hope I win.Helen
I'm a big Key Lime Pie fan so The Blond Giraffe's "Pie on a Stick" is my fave! My fave food of all time...Donuts!
Is midnight am or pm? don't know if I am too late, just stumbled across your yummy blog.
I am a cheese freak so I loved looking at the Cowgirl Cheeses. I love all cheese. If a recipe calls for 1/2 cup...in goes a whole cup. The cheeses being from their own cows in this package is a plus. And organic is a BIG plus.
My fave food of all time...cheesecake, of course.
littlepurpleroom58 at yahoo.com
The key lime pie on a stick sounds yummy and is so inventive!! My fave food of all time has got to be my mother's Austrian crepes with raspberry marmalade.
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