
Takeout Thursday!

Hello! Welcome to another edition of Takeout Thursday. If you are lucky enough to live near these wonderful restaurants - Enjoy!

A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.
-James Beard

New York City:

eatery nyc: It is such a great place! The food rocks! Almost everything on their menu is available for takeout!

Tempura Calamari

Organic Baby Spinach Salad

There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
-George Bernard Shaw

Dumpling Man: All I can say is, "YUMMY!"

(click to enlarge)

Have a wonderful day!

Until Tomorrow: Go Ahead & Indulge!


Heather said...

Yummy! I wish I lived near both of these places!

Homefront Artistry Team said...

Alas, we are no where near either of them :(...