
Leave My Food Alone

Please visit this link and fill out the petition!
LeaveMyFoodAlone.org is a petition designed to stop HR 875. In its current form, the bill could prevent small local organic farms and community gardeners from growing and selling you nutritious, truly fresh, organic produce.  It would crush our small local food producers by imposing heavy government regulation that only large corporations could adhere to. Imagine:
  • No more farmers markets.
  • No more garden fresh, seasonal ingredients from the local farmer at your favorite restaurant.
  • No more roadside stands with fresh picked sweet corn, juicy ripe tomatoes, or refreshing 
    watermelons in the summer.

Americans would essentially be forced to only eat corporately manufactured, chemically treated, hermetically sealed, irradiated fruits and vegetables. 

To prevent this bill, act now by signing the petition!

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